傑思教室 / Grammar Expert

Topic 116: 怎樣向小朋友解釋 ‘trousers’ 要用眾數形式?

有些名詞一般要用眾數形式表示,如: trousers, jeans👖, shorts , scissors ✂️, tongs,前面的 agreement 也要用 are 而不是 is 。

These are my trousers. (用 are 和 -s)

如加上a pair of,就可用 is (但 trousers 還是要加上 -s):
This is a pair of trousers.

圖片來源:”Grammar Expert” 1B


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Topic 107: be going to / will 怎樣用?🧐

很多學生覺得be going to / will 都是説將來,那兩者有什麼分別?🤨

e.g. If I study hard, I will pass the test.

Be going to:
(1) 計劃好的事情,所以與 ‘will’ 相比,發生的機會較大
e.g. I am going to have a haircut tomorrow.

(2) 有預兆,所以發生的機會很大
e.g. The sky is dark (預兆). It is going to rain.

註:一般小學英文科測驗或考試的 Tenses
部分都不需用到 ‘be going to’。一般有 ‘tomorrow / next / later / hope / think / guess’ 等 signal words,學生可以用 ‘will’。

圖片來源:Grammar Expert 4B

溫馨提示:在 www.kidz.com.hk 網上購物,有八二折優惠!(優惠期至十二月十五日,折扣後滿七百元免運費)


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Topic 98: has been / has gone?


He has gone to Japan.
He has been to Japan.



圖片來源: “Grammar Expert” Book 5A, published by Kidz Education

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Topic 97: 英文數字


40 forty
4th fourth

90 ninety
9th ninth

1. 99
2. 99th

圖片來源: “Grammar Expert” Book 3A published by Kidz Education

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Topic 96: 「情態副詞 (adverbs of manner: -ly ) 用來修飾動詞」是一定的定律?

同學們學情態副詞,一般是用在動詞後,如 The girl sings beautifully. (Sing 是動詞,所以用 beautifully,不是 beautiful)。

不過,同學學情態副詞時,不要死記 「動詞後用副詞,is/am/are 用形容詞」這說法,因爲確切地說,情態副詞是用來描述動作如何進行,所以除了verb to be (is/am/are) 後要用形容詞外 (如 I am happy.) ,如果出現如以下的狀態動詞 (stative verbs) 亦應用形容詞:

Look: The girl looks quiet. (Not ‘quietly’)
Sound: The idea sounds good. (Not ‘well’)
Feel: I feel sleepy. (Not ‘sleepily’)
Taste: The food tastes nice. (Not ‘nicely’)
Smell: The flowers smell nice. (Not ‘nicely’)
Keep: Please keep quiet. (Not ‘quietly’)

圖片來源: “Grammar Expert” Book 5A, published by Kidz Education


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Topic 90: Chocolate? Chocolates?

‘Chocolate’ 可數嗎?

用 ‘chocolates’ 🌰🌰
用 ‘chocolate’ 或 ‘a bar of chocolate’ 。🍫

圖片來源:’Grammar Expert’ Book 4B, published by Kidz Education


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Topic 80: Hard? Hardly? Late? Lately?


1. I study hard.
2. I hardly study.
3. Dad got to work a bit late yesterday.
4. I have not seen my uncle lately.

‘hard’ 指「努力」
‘hardly’ 指 「難以」(rarely)
‘late’ 指 「遲到」
‘lately’ 指 「最近」(recently)

圖片來源: “Grammar Expert” 5A, published by Kidz Education

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Topic 79: Adverbs of manner 情狀副詞


1. John runs fastly.
2. Nancy dances good.
3. Please keep quietly.
4. I feel sad.
5. Your new car looks nicely!

*以上只有第四題是正確的 :
1. 沒有 fastly,’fast’ 的副詞也是’fast’
2. 形容 ‘dances’,所以要把 ‘good’ 轉成 ‘well’
3. ‘Keep’ 不帶動作,後面用形容詞 ‘quiet’
4. ‘Feel’ 不帶動作,所以用形容詞 ’sad’ 是正確的
5. ‘Look’ 不帶動作,後面用形容詞 ‘nice’

註:有關 late/lately 和 hard/hardly ,留待下一講

圖片來源: “Grammar Expert” 5A, published by Kidz Education

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Topic 76: perfect tense 六種轉換法

轉過去分詞 (past participles) 不用一味靠死背,其實也有簡單的方法。💪

以下是不規則動詞 (irregular verbs) 轉過去分詞 (past participles) 的六種方法:

Method 1: i -> a -> u 🧐
E.g. swim - swam - swum

Method 2: present form + -n/en/ne ** 🧐
E.g. give - gave - given

Method 3: past form + -n/en** 🧐
E.g. tear - tore - torn

Method 4: same as the past form 🧐
E.g. buy - bought - bought

Method 5: unchanged 🧐
E.g. hit - hit - hit

Method 6: special cases* 🧐🧐

*下講再談 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️
**經常使用而在變化時需要用 “double -t” 或 “double -d” 的就是附圖 (1) 那五個,好好記着呀!💪💪


(1) “Grammar Expert” Book 5A, published by Kidz Education

(2) “Grammar Weekly” Book 5, published by Kidz Education

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Topic 48: Prepositions of time

‘In / on / at’ (以時間介詞使用)是其中一類小學測驗考試常出的題目。

(註: ‘on the weekend / weekends’ 是美語)

圖片來源: ‘Grammar Expert’ 3B, published by Kidz Education

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