傑思教室 / Building Strategies: Vocabulary and Writing

Topic 146 : 描寫人多只懂得寫 ‘There are a lot of people.’ ?

圖片來源:"Building Strategies: Vocabulary and Writing" Book 4
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Topic 136 : 描寫生氣和打架 (註:打架是不應鼓勵的,所以在文章最後一定要加上「得到的教訓」”lesson learnt”)

除了 I am angry / we are fighting 外,小朋友可學多幾句佳句,在寫作時靈活運用呀!
1. They yelled at each other. 他們互相喊叫。
2. They called each other names. 他們在對罵。
3. They fought like cat and dog. 他們爭吵不休。
4. They shoved each other hard. 他們互相推撞。
5. They were fighting fiercely. 他們發生激烈的打架。
圖片來源:Building Strategies: Vocabulary and Writing Book 5
🥳 提供多種寫作方法及大量佳詞佳句
🥳 可選擇小一至小六
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Topic 133 : 描寫肚子餓

除了 I am hungry 外,小朋友可學多幾句佳句,在寫作時靈活運用呀!
1. We were starving! 我們餓得要命!
2. Our stomachs were rumbling. 我們的肚子正咕嚕咕嚕地叫!
3. The delicious smell made my mouth water. 我餓得口水直流!
4. I licked my lips hungrily. 我餓得舔舔嘴唇。
圖片來源:Building Strategies: Vocabulary and Writing Book 4
本系列每課 4 頁,分生字及寫作兩部分,同學們可先學生字,再把生字靈活運用在作文中!課後還附中文版寫作策略!
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Topic 123:描寫哭只懂說 ’I am sad/crying’?!

He was crying loudly. (運用副詞 ’loudly’)
He was sobbing. (運用更佳的同義詞 ‘sobbing’)
His face was wet with tears. (運用更佳的短語 ‘wet with tears’)
Tears streamed down her face. (運用誇張 ‘streamed’)
‘I want my mum!’ she wailed. (運用轉述動詞 ‘wailed’)
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Topic 112: 描寫驚訝 🙀


1. I am surprised.
2. I am astonished.
3. I yell in surprise.
4. My mouth falls open.
5. I stare open-mouthed at (something/somebody).
6. I am shocked (surprised and upset).
7. I am startled (surprised and a bit frightened).

*6-7 也帶有其他感情,要用得適當才可呀!

圖片來源:’Building Strategies: Vocabulary and Writing’ Book 3



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Topic 109: 作文時,寫生氣只懂得用 angry?😡


形容詞有:I was angry / cross / furious / mad.
動詞有:I folded my arms. / I glared at him. / I stared at him.
比喻有:Her face was like thunder. / He was as angry as a bull.

圖片來源:’Building Strategies: Vocabulary and Writing’ Book 5



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Topic 108: 作文只懂用 ‘said’😨

英作跟中作一樣,可以用語言描寫表達角色的心情或性格。我們應該用不同的 saying verbs,以加強說話者的情感,如:

回答:answered, replied
建議:suggested, advised
傷心地説:sobbed, cried
興奮地説:laughed, exclaimed
取笑:jeered, teased
喃喃自語:murmured, muttered

例: ‘I have to stay at home. I have so much homework to do,’ groaned Peter.

注意: 説話內容 (’...’) 再加上說話者(groaned Peter) 才是一句完整句子,所以 ‘I have so much homework to do’ 後要用 comma (,) 不應用 full stop (.)

圖片來源:’Building Strategies: Vocabulary and Writing’ Book 5

由現在起至十二月十五日,在 www.kidz.com.hk 購物更可享有八二折優惠!

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Topic 99: 描寫傷心

作文描述傷心,單是 sad 和 upset 是不夠的。同學不妨多記一兩句好句,在作文時發揮,可令文章生色不少!

圖片來源:Building Strategies: Vocabulary and Writing 3

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