Topic 136 : 描寫生氣和打架 (註:打架是不應鼓勵的,所以在文章最後一定要加上「得到的教訓」”lesson learnt”)

除了 I am angry / we are fighting 外,小朋友可學多幾句佳句,在寫作時靈活運用呀!
1. They yelled at each other. 他們互相喊叫。
2. They called each other names. 他們在對罵。
3. They fought like cat and dog. 他們爭吵不休。
4. They shoved each other hard. 他們互相推撞。
5. They were fighting fiercely. 他們發生激烈的打架。
圖片來源:Building Strategies: Vocabulary and Writing Book 5
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