1. 留意行數,圈起’it’
2. 答案一般都是指這個代詞 ‘it’前面出現的名詞,如附圖第一題,答案就只有 ‘a carton of milk’ (有些同學見 ‘trolley’ 與 ‘it’十分接近就誤以為這是答案,但記住 💪 ,答案是代詞前面而不是後面的名詞)
3. 在答題時,問題用 ‘does’,所以答案一般都是 ‘It refers to ...’
4. 由於有指定和在說上述的物件,所以應該把 ‘a carton of milk’ 轉成 ‘the carton of milk’
5. 得出答案: It refers to the carton of milk. / ‘It’ refers to the carton of milk.
有人或會問,為什麼第二題的 ‘them’ 用了 ‘does’? 原因是因為所指的是這一個生字,即 What does (the word) ‘them’ refer to?
所以答案仍是 It refers to ... ,也可寫成 ‘Them’ refers to ... (此時 ‘Them’ 一定要用 quotation marks ‘ ‘ ,也不可寫成小楷 ‘them’)

圖片來源: “Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Types 4A”, published by Kidz Education
Topic 84: 閱讀策略
Comprehension strategies: Making references
What does ‘it’ refer to? 🧐🤔
1. 留意行數,圈起’it’
2. 答案一般都是指這個代詞 ‘it’前面出現的名詞,如附圖第一題,答案就只有 ‘a carton of milk’ (有些同學見 ‘trolley’ 與 ‘it’十分接近就誤以為這是答案,但記住 💪 ,答案是代詞前面而不是後面的名詞)
3. 在答題時,問題用 ‘does’,所以答案一般都是 ‘It refers to ...’
4. 由於有指定和在說上述的物件,所以應該把 ‘a carton of milk’ 轉成 ‘the carton of milk’
5. 得出答案: It refers to the carton of milk. / ‘It’ refers to the carton of milk.
有人或會問,為什麼第二題的 ‘them’ 用了 ‘does’? 原因是因為所指的是這一個生字,即 What does (the word) ‘them’ refer to?
所以答案仍是 It refers to ... ,也可寫成 ‘Them’ refers to ... (此時 ‘Them’ 一定要用 quotation marks ‘ ‘ ,也不可寫成小楷 ‘them’)

圖片來源: “Powering Up: Comprehension Skills & Text Types 4A”, published by Kidz Education